Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Alphabet Book

For the past (almost) year, Cody and I have been off and on working on our Alphabet Book. It took a bit of a backseat during the later stages of pregnancy with Mika but we kicked it off again after she was born and have finally finished it up. I got a printers proof yesterday (which looked amazing if I do say so myself) and expect our box load to arrive next week.

So what is this book? Well, its a photographic exploration of the alphabet by Cody and myself. We talked about a subject for each letter and then both took a photo of the subject. Hers are the top images and mine are the bottom. I think the letter 'W' really displays it best - the shot out our art room window (note the image differs depending on if you are shooting from the size of a child or an adult).

We have got 100 which we are giving to our friends and maybe selling a few online. The approach is the same as what we do with the blog - we are just having fun with it and its an exercise of art, exploration and discussion which I'm having with my daughter. Beats sitting around watching Dora.

More details about the book can be found on my website.

We are going to have a backyard launch party during which Cody is going to do a book reading. I'll post what is sure to be a most entertaining video of the event!

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