Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blog and Web

Yesterday, whilst playing at a park (which we had traveled about half hour to play at), I received a lovely email from a person I work with asking if this blog was mine. It had been sent to her by a colleague in a different part of the organisation and she put two and two together based on the child being called Cody and the abundance of photographs (if you haven't seen them already, please check out my photo website). This made my day. I get lots of emails and messages from friends saying they've forwarded on the blog address and I can see my little hit counter going up and up but this was tangible evidence that people (who are not obligated to like it - as my friends most definitely are!) are reading and enjoying what we do. In a way, its a moot point as WE enjoy what we do and it stretches us further, makes us explore, allows us to look at the world with different eyes and analyse and discuss but its always nice to know that someone else out there is getting value from it.

So I ask you, readers who are out there lurking (and I can see my stats so I know you are there!), leave me a comment. Let me know if you agree with our take on a park, let us know if you have different favourite bits or other parks which you like to haunt. Let me know what your children like to do - are they swing fiends or climbing freaks? Perhaps you can barely wrestle them off the slide. Is there a park I should be going to? Encourage me to make that leap and head southside... I'd love to hear from you and know you are out there so please leave me a comment (and let me know the address of your blog too!).

So thanks Anne-Maree and friend for making my day (which was only later topped by young Mika - five months old yesterday - discovering a sandpit for the first time - oh the hilarity).

PS. and yes the other point of this post was to shamelessly promote my photo site. I finally found time to put on the finishing touches and get it live last week. The Itchy Eyes.

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